Hi All,
Andy said he had a few folks ask him about commenting on
our podcasts. So, we figured a blog would be the easiest way to allow commenting. So, here we are. Thanks for the favorable reviews we've received from our friends and family! Any
constructive criticism will be appreciated, too, so don't be shy with it.
Has anyone listened who isn't a friend or family? We figure we'll have "made it" when/if that happens!
This post is for Episode I. The topics we covered were introductions, our approach to unusual topics, Andy's mysterious voice story and my experience of weird "warped" space, "Satan's" footprints in Devon, England, the
Torrington, CT UFO story & wrapping up an online life when real life ends.
In Episode II, we will try our first interview with my Uncle, Eric Miller, author of
Passion For Murder, a book about the homicidal deeds of Dr. Sigmund Freud (you read it right!).